Her Voice, Their Voices: Black Women & Domestic Violence

  • Posted by Sarah Swiston
  • On June 21, 2024
  • Black Women & Domestic Violence, Chicago, chicago metropolitan area, Chicago suburbs, Domestic Violence, domestic violence agency, domestic violence and African American women, DV and black women, dv survivors, End Domestic Violence, microaggressions, Mother's Day, non-profit agencies, northwest chicago, racism, unheard survivors, WINGS, WINGS Program
La Tonya Walker, WINGS Chief Program Officer, recently wrote this piece for the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence website titled, “Her Voice, Their Voices: Black Women & Domestic Violence.” Read the powerful message below published in May.
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Four Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that Empower Domestic Violence Survivors

  • Posted by Sarah Swiston
  • On May 1, 2019
  • Domestic Violence, End Domestic Violence, Mother's Day, Mother's Day Gifts, Mother's Day Ideas, non-profit, Shelters, WINGS
Four Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that Empower Domestic Violence Survivors Are you looking for a special way to honor your mother or an important woman in your life? Mother’s Day […]
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