WINGS Pioneers Coordinated Response for Survivors Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries

May 1, 2024
WINGS is embarking on one of the first of its kind coordinated collaboration to improve access to care for survivors recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) in the Chicagoland area. WINGS and eight domestic violence partner agencies are working with local hospitals to provide a toolkit and develop procedures for domestic violence survivors recovering from TBIs. As a result, survivors will receive all eligible resources ranging from additional scans, to housing, to assistance with setting and meeting goals.

WINGS Helps Survivor Pursue her Career Dreams

April 30, 2024
Shannon*, a domestic violence survivor, began counseling services through WINGS Hospital Program. As a result of designated funding, WINGS is now helping Shannon pursue her career dreams of becoming a paralegal. As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, read how counseling has assisted Shannon take steps toward her bright future.
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